
High-intensity exercise increases brain dopamine transmission

High-intensity exercise increases brain dopamine transmission Ten participants in a six-month program saw the neuroprotective advantages of exercise. A proof-of-concept imaging study indicates that engaging in high-intensity exercise may help shield the brain from the increasing damage associated with Parkinson's disease. According to a Yale School of Medicine professor and co-principal investigator of the study, Evan Morris, PhD, "this is the first time imaging has been used to confirm that the biology of the brain in those suffering from Parkinson's disease is changed by intense exercise." The news release from the university quoted Morris. Published in npj Parkinson's Disease, the paper "Intense exercise increases dopamine transporter and neuromelanin concentrations in the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease" Parkinson's disease is brought on by the progressive degeneration and malfunction of brain cells that produce the neurotransmitter d

Boost your power and muscle this weekend with these 5 exercises!

Boost your power and muscle this weekend with these 5 exercises! You don't need to go to the gym to get muscle. If you've been sedentary all week at your desk, on your feet at a store, or have little time to spare, you might be looking for a quick and easy weekend workout. Thankfully, you don't have to waste hours scouring YouTube because we've compiled a list of five excellent exercises for you to attempt. Furthermore, you can begin without a gym membership! All you need is a yoga mat for floor exercises and a few weights, such as kettlebells or adjustable dumbbells. However, there is a bodyweight-only option for those without any equipment, so don't worry. Whether you're a frequent exerciser or you're just getting started, we've made sure that every workout is accessible, enjoyable, and diverse so that it doesn't feel like a hassle. The workouts are perfect if you have a busy weekend schedule because they are all under 30 minutes. 1. THE 30-MINUTE

The Top 10 Home Exercise Programs for Seniors

  The Top 10 Home Exercise Programs for Seniors At any age, being physically active is vital, but as you age, maintaining your fitness level becomes even more important for your general health and wellbeing. Seniors who regularly exercise can reduce their risk of falls and injuries by increasing their mobility, flexibility, and balance. Four types of exercise—flexibility, endurance, balance, and strength—can improve your health and help you keep your independence as you age, according to the National Institute on Aging. However, choosing the appropriate activities that are safe, efficient, and pleasant can be difficult given the wealth of information (and misinformation) that is available online—especially if you like working out at home. Thankfully, Mike Masi, CPT, of Garage Gym Reviews, a certified personal trainer, agreed to speak with us and provide us with a list of the top ten exercises that seniors may perform at home. "Exercise for seniors is crucial for maintaining flexib

How to prevent migraine? 8 techniques and home remedies

How to prevent migraine? 8 techniques and home remedies     Most people can reduce the severity of their migraine symptoms when they do occur and, to some extent, prevent migraine episodes from starting. The methods and solutions that support this goal deal with a variety of issues, including stress levels on the body and mind, sleep patterns, physical activity, and diet.   How can a migraine be avoided? Eight practical techniques Avoid certain foods and drinks     Experts believe that eating a balanced diet and eating at regular intervals—including a nutritious, nutrient-rich breakfast—are crucial to preventing migraines. One common risk factor for headache episodes is missing meals. However, a lot of people find that consuming particular meals and beverages causes migraine episodes. Some foods and beverages that are frequently linked to migraines include cured pork, anchovies, yogurt, almonds, chocolate, coffee, and alcoholic beverages, though this varies from person to person.   Imp

Types of exercise according to your body

Types of exercise according to your body     Why do different people react to exercise in different ways? The fact that every body is distinct and responds differently to the stimulus of physical exercise, in addition to having other quirks like metabolic speed, bone structure, and a tendency to store fat, provides the answer to this question.   Therefore, understanding what kinds of training are suitable for your body is essential to getting good results and accomplishing the desired goals.    The three body types are : ●        Ectomorph ●        Mesomorph ●        Endomorph Would you like to learn more about each of them, their points of similarity, and the best kind of training to achieve the best outcomes? Continue reading!   Ectomorph     Characteristics This group's members are typically extremely slender, with long, lean arms and legs, strong muscles, and narrow shoulders. Their flat chest (without bulk), relatively thick bones, little body fat, difficulties gaining weight,

5 tips for doing sports in summer

5 tips for doing sports in summer     It is true! In the summer, being "fit" becomes a problem of first-division proportions, whereas in the winter, it is too lethargic to participate in sports. For your enjoyment during these months of high temperatures, we leave you with five very summery recommendations to keep you active:   Take advantage of the gym's air conditioning     Indeed! Every fitness center has air conditioning, which allows you to spend most of the time "full" on the treadmill or elliptical machine. In addition, because everyone is on vacation, you have the financial means to spend as much time as you see necessary. As soon as you arrive, the monitor will be waiting for you, and the shower that follows will be yours without any waiting involved. Can you think of a more compelling reason?   Hydrate with water or isotonic drinks     As per the advice of medical professionals and specialists, this is one of the most important pieces of advice that yo

Sport: the best ally to combat stress

Sport: the best ally to combat stress     Maintaining an active lifestyle can significantly impact our mental and emotional well-being. One of the most effective ways to combat the feelings of anxiety that can sometimes overwhelm us is by engaging in regular physical activity. Whether it's through organized sports or leisurely pursuits like hiking or cycling, the act of moving our bodies and getting our heart rates up can help to relieve stress and promote feelings of calm and relaxation.   Playing sports, in particular, can be an excellent way to channel our energy and focus our minds. The competitive nature of many sports can provide a healthy outlet for our emotions, allowing us to release tension and frustration in a safe and controlled environment. Additionally, the social nature of team sports can help to foster a sense of community and belonging, which can be especially beneficial for those struggling with feelings of loneliness or isolation. But perhaps most importantly, pl