7 myths about CrossFit so you can practice it without fear

7 myths about CrossFit so you can practice it without fear



Crossfit is a sporting approach that combines high energy expenditure, physical conditioning, muscle toning, and functional training. This activity first became popular in the US in 2000, and it has been increasingly common in the last few years.

Be not deceived! We'll leave you with a list of seven major myths regarding CrossFit exercise.


Learn the myths about CrossFit and start practicing it today !

In crossfit, the risk of injury is greater



You have likely read or heard that CrossFit results in more injuries than other sports. This is untrue, though, as there is always a chance of getting hurt when participating in an activity, particularly if you don't have professional supervision.

When a pupil pushes himself over their comfort zone, it can result in damage. Even if it's a sport that pushes you to overcome your own obstacles, educational progression must be forward-thinking. It goes without saying that there will be risks to your joints if you arrive wishing to lift fifty kilograms and quadruple the value the following week.

It's critical to emphasize that CrossFit is the best ally for treating personal injuries. Joint or strengthening exercises, when performed under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, aid in the recovery of weak areas.


The sport is aimed at high performance athletes



This is a prevalent myth concerning CrossFit, as many people think that in order to begin the program, one must be physically fit and "in shape."

But we're talking about a completely flexible sport, built around movements like bending over, extending your hands, or lifting weights—exercises that mimic the way the human body naturally moves. Because of this, with supervision and the right level of intensity, kids, teens, adults with special needs, and the elderly may all practice it.

Moreover, athletes with varying training levels are frequently present in CrossFit classes, and it is the instructor's responsibility to make it clear that each student should perform the exercise to the best of their ability. Evolutionary behavior is achievable with everyday practice and effort.


Crossfit is equal to military training



The media as a whole spread this misconception by showing pictures of CrossFit exclusively in relation to workouts involving tires, ropes, or boxes. While these drills are conducted in the pits at the proper times, there are several facets to class scheduling in this modality.

While some sessions emphasize strength training, others use equipment similar to that used in military training to improve the cardiorespiratory system.


It's competitive



Crossfit features a number of competitive situations where disputes arise between individuals or teams, both within the box and in nationally recognized contests. That being said, it is a fallacy that this sport is only focused on competitiveness.

Conversely, although championships somewhat spark competition, what you witness most in a CrossFit class is respect and cooperation. It is also feasible to observe a warm and cooperative atmosphere in the training centers' daily operations, where everyone works together to conquer personal obstacles.

Generally speaking, there are dedicated competition preparation facilities, so during your training, nobody will push you beyond your comfort zone.


The women who carry out this activity are very muscular



Numerous variables contribute to muscle building, including genetics, rigorous training, and a healthy diet. Therefore, women who modestly engage in CrossFit can lose weight, develop lean mass, and burn fat; however, since hypertrophy is not the sport's main objective, they won't get huge or muscular.

Professional athletes in this modality have muscular bodies because of their extensive training regimen, well-balanced diet, and high degree of preparation. That means that the body will grow moderately, which will only translate into a muscular athletic stance if the practice is coupled with weight exercises. Similarly, significant weight loss is only possible with a diet that aligns with the goals.


Those who have spinal problems cannot practice it



This is untrue as well since, as we've shown, CrossFit is flexible enough to meet your needs. The concept is that people with spinal issues can perform posture-improving exercises that lessen the load on the lumbar spine.

Sometimes, it's best to have a physiotherapist with you so they can help the pupils move properly and avoid being hurt again.


Crossfit is expensive



CrossFit may be more expensive since it offers activities that are different from those found in traditional gyms. However, these days, you can discover a variety of fitness centers that provide this kind of exercise, frequently at prices comparable to a typical gym.

You can use Gympass to practice CrossFit at a variety of reasonably priced gyms. Furthermore, you can participate in more than 350 events with only one package and pay no fees for registration or cancellation.

Which of these fallacies about CrossFit have you bought into? CrossFit offers a number of advantages and might be a suitable substitute if you're searching for an inspiring physical activity that pushes your boundaries and lets you meet new people.


Is CrossFit better than gym?



When it comes to working out, there are a variety of options available to help you achieve your fitness goals. Two popular choices are CrossFit and regular gym workouts, each with their own unique benefits and differences.

While both CrossFit and traditional gym workouts can help you burn calories and build muscle, the approach to achieving these goals differs. CrossFit workouts are typically structured to be varied and challenging, incorporating a mix of strength training, cardio, and powerlifting exercises into a single session. This approach aims to improve overall fitness and athleticism by challenging the body in different ways and preparing it for varied physical demands.


On the other hand, regular gym workouts tend to be more focused on specific goals, such as building muscle or improving cardiovascular health. These workouts often involve the use of traditional gym equipment, such as weight machines and cardio equipment, and may incorporate more traditional exercises like squats and lunges.

Despite these differences, CrossFit and regular gym workouts can effectively achieve your fitness goals. The key is to choose the best approach for you and your specific needs, whether that means pushing yourself through challenging CrossFit sessions or sticking to a more traditional gym routine.




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