How to prevent migraine? 8 techniques and home remedies

How to prevent migraine? 8 techniques and home remedies



Most people can reduce the severity of their migraine symptoms when they do occur and, to some extent, prevent migraine episodes from starting. The methods and solutions that support this goal deal with a variety of issues, including stress levels on the body and mind, sleep patterns, physical activity, and diet.


How can a migraine be avoided? Eight practical techniques

Avoid certain foods and drinks



Experts believe that eating a balanced diet and eating at regular intervals—including a nutritious, nutrient-rich breakfast—are crucial to preventing migraines. One common risk factor for headache episodes is missing meals.

However, a lot of people find that consuming particular meals and beverages causes migraine episodes. Some foods and beverages that are frequently linked to migraines include cured pork, anchovies, yogurt, almonds, chocolate, coffee, and alcoholic beverages, though this varies from person to person.


Improve body posture



The development of migraine episodes and other forms of pain associated with physical strain is significantly influenced by one's posture. It is advised to give extra attention to the neck and shoulders in the event of migraines, since these are where we tend to gather tension and headache likelihood increases.


Reduce anxiety and stress



In situations of migraine, psychological worry and stress are significant risk factors. On the other hand, one of the fundamental methods for preventing migraines is to consistently practice relaxation.

Relaxing music, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, time-restructuring techniques, spending time in natural settings, and breaking up difficult chores into manageable chunks to reduce anxiety are some stress-reduction techniques. 

In order to reduce migraine symptoms during an episode, relaxation is also crucial. To lessen pain-related discomfort, sleeping for a time and relaxing comfortably on your back or in a quiet, dark environment is advised.


Sleep the necessary hours



Preventing migraine occurrences is related to sticking to consistent weekly sleep routines and getting enough hours of sleep. They can also be brought on by sleeping too much; for instance, trying to make up for a lack of sleep during the week by sleeping in on the weekend might exacerbate headache symptoms.


Exercise regularly



Being physically active keeps our bodies less tight and more calm, which lowers our risk of migraines. Try to get in a short walk each day and engage in moderate-intensity physical activity (cycling, swimming, jogging, etc.) for about 30 minutes three times a week at the absolute least.


Massages for physical tension



One of the greatest ways to avoid tension headaches and other issues associated with physical strain is to get a massage. Massages also help with posture correction and relaxation techniques since they teach you to relax your muscles and become more aware of your body.


Identify and avoid pain triggers



Individuals who are predisposed to migraine episodes may be more susceptible to specific stimuli and settings, although there are other potential risk factors that are not necessarily the same for everyone. For instance, even though caffeine is frequently linked to migraine attacks, a lot of people use coffee as a pain reliever.

We haven't yet covered several really typical triggers, like smoking, scents, strong lights, abrupt temperature changes, and eye fatigue—which can occur in people who require glasses but don't wear them or in people who spend a lot of time watching movies.

It is helpful to document our migraine occurrences in order to determine the triggers that most easily cause us to get migraines. It's also interesting to record the time and date, the length of the discomfort, and the circumstances around it. If this kind of record is kept, we will be able to examine the problem's development in the event that the migraine is a persistent kind.




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