Types of exercise according to your body

Types of exercise according to your body



Why do different people react to exercise in different ways? The fact that every body is distinct and responds differently to the stimulus of physical exercise, in addition to having other quirks like metabolic speed, bone structure, and a tendency to store fat, provides the answer to this question.


Therefore, understanding what kinds of training are suitable for your body is essential to getting good results and accomplishing the desired goals. 


The three body types are:




Would you like to learn more about each of them, their points of similarity, and the best kind of training to achieve the best outcomes? Continue reading!






This group's members are typically extremely slender, with long, lean arms and legs, strong muscles, and narrow shoulders.

Their flat chest (without bulk), relatively thick bones, little body fat, difficulties gaining weight, and highly fast metabolism are further distinctive features. Furthermore, because of the way their bones protrude in relation to their muscles and fat, they maintain their definition even during periods of inactivity.


Proper workouts

Because of their fast metabolism, they typically struggle to gain weight—primarily muscle mass—because they burn calories so quickly. They must therefore consume a hypercaloric diet—that is, a diet high in calories from a nutritious diet—and engage in muscle-building exercises in order to meet their body's fundamental needs and put on a few pounds.

Exercise regimens for individuals with this body type should consist of shorter, more intensive sessions that primarily target the primary muscular groups. It is best to commit to higher-load activities to enhance the size and shape of your muscles.


It is crucial to emphasise that aerobic exercises should be the least amount of your workouts because they speed up the process of losing weight because they burn calories. As a result, decide to only do it briefly and no more than three times per week.

Eating before bed and consuming at least six meals a day that are high in protein, low-GI carbohydrates, and fibre can help you maintain your muscle gain and prevent catabolism, or the loss of muscle mass.






Individuals that possess a mesomorphic physique are regarded as bearers of "good genetics". This is due to the fact that they typically have an athletic type and a larger bone structure. People with this body type are naturally powerful and make excellent weightlifters since they can put on muscular mass quickly.

The key features are:

      A rectangular body form.

      Wider shoulders.

      A narrow waist.

      Athletic carriage.

      More defined muscles.

      Ease of fat gain.


Proper workouts

Exercises that require lifting weights work effectively for people with this body type. Mesomorphic bodies undergo quick and noticeable alterations, mostly in response to the initiation or modification of training frequency. However, they have the drawback of quickly accumulating weight, necessitating more monitoring of calorie intake.

It is advised to engage in cardiovascular and weight training activities throughout the week due to these issues. Consequently, there will be an increase in overall conditioning, muscle growth, and fat burning.






Individuals who have endomorphic physique tend to gain weight quickly. Its broad legs, short arms, and massive physique are its defining traits. They have a tremendous deal of potential to be athletes and are distinguished by having strong and muscular muscles, particularly in the legs.

They struggle greatly to lose weight, have a poor metabolism, and easily acquire muscle. The goal of gaining lean mass and decreasing fat requires a hypocaloric (low-calorie) diet that emphasises protein intake.


Proper workouts

Training should concentrate on high-intensity, aerobic activities with modest loads for muscular growth but with a large number of repetitions to increase fat burning due to the severe difficulties of reducing weight. It is advised to combine weight training with cardio exercises like jogging or cycling for optimal effects.


Similarities between different body types

As we've seen, there are certain commonalities amongst the different body shapes, and very few individuals exhibit a standardisation. We frequently mix different body kinds together, which is what happens.

People that weigh within normal ranges, for instance, could exhibit various combinations. Endo-mesomorphs have an athletic build, tend to be older, and grow muscle mass with agility, but they also easily put on weight.


Consequently, it is advised to engage in high-intensity exercise that assesses agility through lengthy, falling sequences. Just watch out not to overdo it, as excess glycogen can build up in the cells and be transformed into fat later on.

Ecto-mesomorphs find it easier to maintain a defined figure and a lower weight despite having trouble building muscle. In order to give the cells time to recover and avoid using the muscle tissue itself for energy, it is preferable to work out pretty intensely and not take any breaks.

Can you identify your body type now that you know what they are?It's critical to understand your body type in order to implement nutrition plans and exercise regimens that fit your unique profile.




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